Kamala Harris Defends Biden Amid Speculation: Allies Ready to Support Her

kamala harris

Washington: Vice President Kamala Harris has grown to be one of President Joe Biden’s most ardent supporters following his lackluster debate performance. She also has the strongest backing to replace him on the ticket in the unlikely event that he steps down.

Seven individuals contacted by AmaNews21 emphasized that although Harris is concentrated on gaining Biden’s trust, her supporters are stating unequivocally that, should the opportunity arise, she would have widespread backing inside the party. Some Black Democrats are among her supporters, and they have made it clear that they will vehemently and noisily oppose any attempt to remove her this year.

Al Sharpton, who added that while he still supports Biden as the party’s nominee, Harris shouldn’t be ignored in the event if Biden withdrew. She has always been a worthy person. I believe she’s simply superior. She’s also superior to all the other names, in my opinion.

vice president

The presenter of MSAmaNews21 and civil rights activist Sharpton continued by saying he had “no doubt” that anybody attempting to discredit Harris—the first Black woman and someone of South Asian heritage to hold the vice presidential office—is acting in a “racist and misogynistic” manner.

Sharpton stated, “If anyone tried it, they better know I’m on the tracks to block the train from going ahead.” a reference to any effort to rank someone higher on the ticket than Kamala Harris. Many of the people who supported Biden as the nominee also embraced the Biden-Harris ticket.

Now that the ticket has been divided, how will you open it? The calculation is, “We can do this because she’s a woman and because she’s Black,” and it lacks a convincing justification. However, women and Black people shouldn’t tolerate this kind of calculating.

Harris was on television shortly after the debate, and she made a strong case for Biden. Three participants in the series of interviews stated that Harris had very little time to prepare and was not provided with official campaign talking points.

Democrats have backed Biden by using her succinct response, which she said on AmaNews21: “I’m not going to watch the last three and a half years of performance and spend all night talking about the last ninety minutes with you.”


Democrats have also supported her strategy when she bluntly stated that defeating the departing president in November was her top priority and angrily blasted him for spreading “lies” and causing “damage across the country.”

Kamala Harris has replied quickly to inquiries concerning Biden’s stamina and preparedness for a second term, which has assisted in lessening some of the criticism that has followed Biden for years, including skepticism regarding her ability to run for president and her efficacy in the government. In the case that Biden withdraws, the Biden camp has used her interviews as talking points to support the president, while other Democrats have subtly used her performance as proof that Hillary should remain the party’s choice.

Four people who have spoken with Harris directly over the past week claim that, in the interim, she has been phoning a lot of party officials, funders, and civil rights advocates to reassure them about the path the nomination of Joe Biden will take and to promote unity within the party.

In these calls, Kamala Harris has reaffirmed her backing for Biden and noted that the senator had already overcome difficult situations, Kamala Harris such as taking a risky stance during the 2020 campaign.

The message, according to someone who is acquainted with Kamala Harris views, has been, “We are ready for this fight.” Let us not waver in our hope. Look down. Now that we know what is ahead of us, let’s get started.

Similar statements were made by Biden and Kamala Harris at a Wednesday all-staff call with their campaign teams.


We’ll battle, and we’ll prevail. Throughout his life, Joe Biden has dedicated himself to serving the interests of the American people. We are all prepared to fight for him right now, I’m sure of it.

Reiterating this idea, Democratic political consultant Leah Daughtry—who has connections to Harris’ office—said Democrats should concentrate on taking down Trump.

Daughtry remarked, “President Biden had a bad night.” “I find it really quite harsh and quite astounding to disregard the body of work he has produced over the last three and a half years and what he has truly delivered throughout his presidency,” said the speaker. “Kamala Harris”

According to two sources who shared the discussions but asked to remain anonymous, Harris and her senior leadership have also repeatedly stated inside her office that staff members should prioritize supporting Biden and refrain from discussing possible successors for him.

The discussion of Biden’s successor on the ticket, according to veteran Democratic political strategist and former DNC chair Donna Brazile, is “utter nonsense” and “an attack on the democratic process.”

“How can we claim to be the party that will uphold and advance democracy while simultaneously subverting the will of the American people?” Kamala Harris.
