“Project 2025 Explained: Understanding the Controversy”


With the general election still four months away and the race looking extremely close according to the most recent polls, anything may happen in that time. However, it hasn’t prevented the former president, Donald Trump, who has already outlined a strategy to reform the federal government in their image in collaboration with prominent Republicans and conservative individuals and groups.

One of the next conservative administration, if we are to save the nation from the clutches of the radical Left. The 2025 Presidential Transition Project aims to achieve this.

Specifically, what is Project 2025?

In a nutshell, Project 2025 is a 920-page blueprint that describes in detail what the next Trump administration might include. This is a representation of the America that conservatives aspire to enact in the next Republican government, whether it be led by Trump or someone else.

It goes beyond policy recommendations like as immigration policies, educational initiatives, and economic plans. Through recommendations for important White House officials, cabinet positions, Congress, federal agencies, commissions, and boards, the document serves as a comprehensive roadmap for just how such a vision should be carried out.

project biden

In order to implement this goal, the plan even goes so far as to lay out a screening procedure for selecting and employing the best candidates at every level of government.

Project 2025 aims to transform America into a conservative nation, as stated in the plan’s introduction by Heritage Project President Kevin D. Roberts. The following presidential administration should concentrate on four “broad fronts that will decide America’s future” in order to achieve this.

Among the four fronts are:

  1. Protect our children and reinstate the family as the center of American life.
  2. Take down the administrative state and give the people of America their own sovereignty back.
  3. Protect our country’s boundaries, sovereignty, and wealth from outside threats.
  4. Protect the freedom of everyone of us to live as God has given us—what our Constitution refers to as “the Blessings of Liberty.”

The remainder of the pamphlet lays out in great detail how the objectives on these four fronts can be carried out by the incoming Republican administration.

This includes detailed plans outlining the actions that the White House and every government department, including the Small Business Administration, Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, and Financial Regulatory Agencies, should take to revamp their missions and daily operations. Project 2025 is a comprehensive roadmap outlining how each executive branch branch might implement an ultra-conservative agenda.

Why does Project 2025 need to worry us?

According to the magazine, the main Project 2025 document outlines an essentially “Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist; all pregnancies would be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death.” Married heterosexuality is the only acceptable form of sexual expression and identity.

Project 2025 presents a horrifying picture of what life in America might be like, but what worries me the most is its blueprint for the first 180 days of a possible second Trump term.

Trump Project

The playbook says, “Conservatives need a plan, and time is short.” “The project will develop a playbook of steps to be taken during the first 180 days of the incoming Administration to provide Americans who are suffering from the destructive policies of the Left with prompt relief.”

One of the playbook’s many alarming recommendations is a comprehensive strategy to essentially fire tens of thousands of government employees and replace them with staff who will uphold Project 2025’s conservative values.

The 180-day transition plan is a “clarion call to come to Washington,” according to Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official and director of Project 2025’s Presidential Transition Project, who spoke with the Associated Press. It is necessary for people to put down their tools, step away from their careers, and declare, “This is my lifetime opportunity to serve.”

The 180-Day Playbook, which explains how department and agency leaders should screen applicants, reads for the most part like a cult’s recruitment brochure. Dans states in the Playbook’s introduction, “This book is functionally an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can.

“Our objective is to gather a conservative army that is aligned, vetted, trained, and ready to take up work on Day One to dismantle the Administrative State.”

Behind Project 2025, who is it?

The Heritage Foundation, a 50-year-old conservative think tank that is one of the most significant right-wing organizations in the nation, is the creator of Project 2025.

The Heritage Foundation has been promoting its conservative agenda in almost every aspect of American life for the better part of fifty years. Examples of these include voting suppression, anti-abortion lobbying, anti-climate legislation, and anti-LGBTQ advocacy.

Project 2025 is a coalition comprising over 100 right-wing organizations, including well-known organizations such as Moms For Liberty, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, and America First Legal, even though it was established by The Heritage Foundation.


NBC News reports that since Project 2025 was revealed, a vast network of right-wing dark money organizations affiliated with it, headed by the Donors Trust, which has ties to Leonard Leo, have witnessed a significant increase in donations.

According to the organization, “more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country” authored the chapters in the Project 2025 plan and 180-Day Playbook.

This comprises prominent right-wing personalities and former members of the Trump administration, such as Peter Navarro, who served as Trump’s top trade advisor, and former Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli.
